Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Trade some and "stay long" some? "something always happens"


Stock Talk
Holding shares in the second tier of companies in a developing sector can be a frustrating  experience.  The stocks can be more subject to the ups and downs that it takes to "get there" and the periods where "the process" just seems to take too long.  In the C19 treatment space be it a vaccine or an antibody, the market may take a breather for the 2nd tier companies that are not immediately delivering. Pfizer and moderna  have filed for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of their respective mRNA vaccines.   This may take the air out of the space for 2nd tier companies that are trying but "the process" is frustrating delivery.

At the same time some of the 2nd tier stocks have run higher and have come off their recent bottoms. Each company may have longer term prospects to "stay long" in.  However, we have seen how the market has treated these 2nd tier stocks in the form of whipsaws down.  For me, I consider these trading issues to maybe stay long in some and trade some on the spikes.
For example , Vaxart , the company with the oral vaccine.  Sounds great!  no super cooling needed and a pill form.  But , it's behind the others, just in Phase 1. It's had a good run.  Will it continue or sell off as Pfizer and moderna hoopla develops? The Pfizer vaccine is up for an FDA review for an EUA on December 10.

Would I say take some gain on Vaxart after the recent run?  No, I do not make recommendations here.  It paused today but maybe the run will continue.  I don't know.  But I will say that I did take some gain on VXRT and will keep it on my watch list.

"something always happens"


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.