Friday, November 27, 2020

Sorrento gets a vote of confidence (and funding).


Stock Talk
Sorrento (SRNE) : As the vaccine news is getting much attention, let's not forget that many, many people will catch C19 before any vaccine is out to the general public and after as well. Possibly well into 2021 and beyond.   Sorrento (SRNE) is covering the bases in developing novel testing and antibody treatments on the table of development in early clinical trails.  Today, we see news on SRNE receiving funding from the government on one promising antibody they call STI 2020. 

 "If successful, it could provide an alternative method of protecting populations where vaccines do not work as well, such as the elderly or immunocompromised."

Sorrento's C19 antibodies are basically one or two doses in easily administered shots, not long intravenous sessions like what Trump got at Walter Reed.  And then there is Covi-Drops, the newly announced nasal drops that a doctor could possibly prescribe for at-home treatment and protection.


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