Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The buck fifty Cinderella man stock readies for the PRIZE FIGHT OF THE DECADE - in a coming $5 Mil study


Special Edition

Many have seen the true story movie about "Cinderella man", James J. Braddock. Wow, what a story of a man in the 1930's as a light heavyweight boxer was forced by a hand injury to work on the docks or anywhere he could find work.  He had to turn to welfare for his family and even in humble begging to his former promoters. Here is a scene from the movie.


Braddock's hand slowly healed but had to beg again to get back into the arena.  Very few believed he had the fight left in him to make it and he and his family looked to be "down and out".  "Get him a fight scene"...


After many years of struggling, Braddock surprised the fight world in a comeback as a contender.  The heavy weight champion of the time was Max Baer, who agreed to fight James and brashly scoffed and mocked him in fight promotions. Indeed, two of Baer's opponents had died from Baer's powerful punches to the head. Many feared for Braddock's life as a light heavy now fighting in the heavyweight range against none other than the brash Max Baer.


"James J. Braddock fought Max Baer on June 13, 1935, at the Long Island City Bowl in New York City 1. Braddock was a former light heavyweight who had suffered many losses and hardships during the Great Depression. He was a 10-1 underdog going into the fight against Baer, who was known for his heavy-hitting power. However, Braddock pulled off a stunning upset by outboxing and outworking Baer for 15 rounds, winning the world heavyweight championship. "


Now WHAT Pray tell does the Cinderella man story have to do with a stock? 

Oncolytics Biotech (ONCY):

Many years conducting clinical trials with their lead immune candidate research, study and trials to advance their lead drug Pelareorep (Pela) as an immune platform to fight the most aggressive forms of cancer such as pancreatic, met-breast, colorectal cancer. "Many years"

Scanning technology is recently showing evidence of Pela treatment causing patient's own immune T fighter cells to duplicate in multitudes and attack and kill cancerTo date, there are two reported Complete responses (CRs) after Pela treatment- patient C1-013 fighting Pancreatic Cancer and another CR against anal cancer in the trial named Goblet.



Recently, the Pan Can organization has changed strategy regarding advancing Pela in the Phase 3 clinical trial.  While the market is knee jerked on the news, backers view the change as possibly beneficial.  The $5 mil sponsored study with Pela immune Fight platform alone combined with a modified Chemo will be a true measure of Pela's immune boosting effectivity along with Chemo that attacks cancer but can be hard to take.  "good cop/ bad cop" approach in the cancer fight.  Studying Pela combined with a modified Chemo with or without a checkpoint inhibitor, if positive, could result in a completely new treatment option for millions of cancer fighters all around the world.  If positive study results, the Pela + Chemo combo could be a multi-$ Billion boon to ONCY's prospects.

To be more precise about the coming fight -- the previous ONCY IR reply:

"This $5 million grant will enable Oncolytics to continue the next stage of its research focused on a clinical trial with Oncolytics’ proprietary reovirus pelareorep in combination with modified FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy with or without an immune checkpoint inhibitor. If results are encouraging, the treatment combination may be advanced to late-stage clinical development through the PanCAN Precision Promise adaptive clinical trial platform."

ONCY is a spec stock in the small cap bio -tech arena under $2 stock.  For readers that can take the variances and whims of knee jerk traders, the Jones view is "stay long" on the Mechanism of Action for fighters of cancer.

Like in the movie -- "Sometimes ya have an instinct , mae. you see something in a fighter ".

Conclusion:  There is a prize fight coming to the world of cancer treatments for a most aggressive Pancreatic Cancer.  In early 2024 the study is planned to use Pela immune treatment with Chemo alone on Pancreatic cancer fighters that sign up.  While exact planning is a little vague at this point, it should start to become clearer within a few months.

As a stock, the Jones report view is that ONCY should be treated as a "spec stock".  However, compelling evidence of a few CRs, immune T - fighter cell scans, and meeting statistical success in the Phase 1/2 trials is raising the instinct to be in "some" not "too much" and stay long as long as the Pela Treatment Mechanism of Action (MOA) continues to be proven.  The small $5 mil study with ONCY working with the Pan Can network could be a dovetail of Pela into a Phase 3 fast-track trial.  If compelling, other options will exist for ONCY as well (like a Bp buyout offer?). If compelling, look for the stock to rise significantly. At the same time, we small investors say - not "too much" on spec stocks.  We know not to put too much skin in any spec stock.  It takes time...

For those that have a few hundred bucks laying around and have "an instinct" that Pela can be proven to play a key role as an immune component of the cancer fight, pick up a hundred or so of ONCY shares and go long as long as Pela is a contender.  Spread the word to like-minded stock watchers.  The Jones target is $60 and higher if Pela treatment proves out in further tests - and the $5 Mil Pan Can sponsored study could be the spark to ignite a rocket.   The real goal is the whole enchilada - to give cancer fighters a new shot of hope.

God bless to the real pancreatic cancer fighters that sign up for the study.

This post will close by noting that any view on the market and stocks on any particular day may change in the future days to come. That is why we watch and see how our views match up with the reality of the time.  But trying to look ahead a few months into the future may be a way to do things.  If you think too deep about world events and the recent alliances forming, projecting ahead can be a dicey endeavor. With all the above caveats and attempted prognostications, I will close this post. 

Stay tuned for more opining on the market and stocks to watch.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.