Thursday, November 5, 2020

Can the election relief rally last?

Market Talk
Trying to predict near term market movements can be a dicey proposition. As of this post, the election is undecided with much left on the table in terms of mail in votes still being counted. Add court cases on recent changes to voting procedures and America remains subject to a phase of indecision and election turmoil.

And yet?  the past few days have seen the dow  jones rise over 2,000 points in the past five days. Will the market continue in rally mode as the process plays out and then  either Trump or Biden will be the one with millions of people unsatisfied because the losing side will claim election corruption.  They may have to look into how many dead people cast mail in votes for Biden.

I will close with saying I donno4Sure.  But I think the rally may end with a thump as reality of increasing C19 cases and a dark Biden winter sets in. If the extreme left does get in there, maybe the market will rally in the near term on the notion of change.  But I doubt their policies will be good for the economy and change will bite us as it happens.

Stock Talk

Some of each of the below and dry powder is my way at this time.
Yamana Gold (AUY)

Inovio (INO)
Sorrento (SRNE)
and Dry $ Powder. 

ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.