Thursday, December 10, 2020

Could hospitals be emptied by Sorrento's Tests and Therapeutics? watching SRNE.


Stock Talk
Sorrento Therapeutics (SRNE) just received approval in California for use of their rapid C19 testing.
Sorrento also received FDA clearence to start Phase 1 clinical testing of STI2020,

If all goes well, it seems plausible that people can be tested for C19 and receive back a fast result. If they are showing symptoms, get a quick shot of Sorrento's antibody shot and send them home.

With over 100,000 C19 patients crowding US hospitals this is affecting people that need care all over.  Perhaps this is why darpa awarded $34 Million to Sorrento to hasten their development of STI2020.

Could providing an immunity boost with Sorrento's quick shot antibody and later in  nasal drops foster at home treatment of C19 and also increase worldwide immunity from this scourge unleashed on mankind?

 As a stock, SRNE is considered a 2nd tier stock because vaccine companies like Pfizer are catching all the market hoopla.  But in the $7 / $8 range "if" their recent tests and therapeutics gain traction and succeed, the market may reward SRNE.  Covid 19 is going to be with the world for quite a long time it seems.  But if a doctor can give a shot of STI 2020 or prescribe Sorrento's antibody nasal drops to help infected people gain immunity at home, it may make the situation much more manageable and return the world back to normal.

Over the next few weeks there will be a lot of market hoopla on people getting Pfizer's vaccine.

But I will be keeping an eye on Sorrento and I am holding "some" SRNE shares to see if they can deliver the goods.  The world would certainly benefit if Sorrento's product line, now with darpa backing, succeed.


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