Tuesday, December 29, 2020

more "Some" Talk -- and Fundamentals vs the "hope" of growth Talk



Market Talk
 Today, as the year closes out, the Dow is sitting near all time high.  At the same time the country is in trouble with the pandemic and troubling events such as the Nashville bombing.  While the market turns n churns, there seems to be positioning being done and under-performing stocks being sold for tax loss offsets.
Stock Talk
My strategy is a some strategy to try to endure periods of lackluster near- term performance for hopefully longer term gain.
Some stocks, like the XL and CleanSpark (CLSK) have had tremendous runs since I posted in just two weeks. On the other hand, holding shares in the second tier of companies in a developing sector, such as in biotechs, can be a frustrating  experience.  The stocks can be more subject to the ups and downs that it takes to "get there" and the periods where "the process" just seems to take too long.  In the C19 treatment space be it a vaccine or an antibody, the market may take a breather for the 2nd tier companies that are not immediately delivering. Pfizer and modern and their respective mRNA vaccines are slowly being distributed.   This may take the air out of the space for 2nd tier companies that are trying but "the process" is frustrating delivery.

I have posted that I consider all such stocks trading stocks with maybe a "some"long position if merited.  It is up to everyone to determine what they are comfortable in their own situation, knowing the speculative aspects of whatever stock they are holding.

In the market,  "something always happens" to affect our picks. 

For me, I traded for some gain on CleanSpark and XL.  The recent more than 50% pops were enough to say maybe a pullback is due. The fundamentals vs "hope" of enough growth may have gotten ahead of itself in the hope department.

A gain is a gain.  The rest ?  In end of year tax season sell off times, maybe "some" won't hurt too much, to wait n see said the blind man.
For me a few "Some" stocks and Dry $ powder awhile to greet the new year and see.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.