Wednesday, August 12, 2020

When "gone long" hurts the balance too much ...


Stock Talk

It 's no secret here.  I've been watching Inovio. It seemed like a technically correct company trying to deploy their advanced DNA vaccine to the forefront of helping solve the Covid 19 pandemic.  Yet, Inovio got stalled in due FDA process that is typical for proving a vaccine. Meanwhile, they rushed through vaccines like Moderna's with less scrutiny.  There is some news that Moderna shares the patent with NIH. Do you think there may be a little bias there?  No matter that Moderna's vaccine requires super cooling for storage and transport.

 But it hurts to feel technically correct but wrong about the market perception. whipsaws over n over again on a position are hard to withstand.

I posted yesterday I surrender on thinking "long" in a market that sells with the click of a button on  perceived near term uncertainty.

As Inovio continues the sell off today, I am sidelined . I had "gone long" too soon and had "too much" on it.  I got frustrated as the stock tanked over 4 pts and said forget it.  I recall how DNDN traded from the 30's and 40's back to single digits.

However, I still can't help but think Inovio is a stock to watch and is a "mudder" in horse racing terms.  This is a fairly balanced article on why Inovio is still selling off today.

Now that it's dumped, maybe I'll buy back a 100 shares of Inovio just to "go long" or trade with and see how this INO mudder runs when the rain comes.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more..