Wednesday, April 10, 2024

WE try to - Stay Aware America


Straight Talk


Let's put some things on the table and kick em' around here.

First off, hey Democrats- People don't want EV's rammed down our throats with mandates.  Why? - they are UNRELIABLE transportation!  In cold weather the range is reduced significantly, and Oh - by the way - you want to run the heater??  Forget it if on a trip!  You can lose range by 40% and get stuck on the side of the road in freezing cold weather!   Secondly, it's a drain on the electrical grid and then let's not even go into the earth raking required to get the metals out of the ground.

Second - hey "Progressives" - People don't want giant wind mills out off our sea coasts causing the dredging up our beaches and killing whales and dolphins washing up on our shores.  We don't want these monstrosities with blades as wide as football field that require constant sea faring maintenance trips costing every home an increased $1,000 extra electric bill per year, just for starters. 

Why??  Let's face it America has enemies.  Those electric cables out in the ocean are vulnerable to attack.   There is a better solution. America is rich in natural gas.  The older coal fired electric plants could be more easily converted to natural gas sourced generation. It's a much more reliable and cleaner way and more cost effective in the long run. It's a better way,  all around,  for America to use our own resources. . 

And this is not to say that wind and solar are bad.  BUT it takes a comprehensive approach to succeed in supplying a reliable energy grid in America. Just be smarter on where to apply technology.

Thirdly: America is under attack by adversaries and enemies of both our republic and democracy.  The transport of chemicals to produce Fentanyl a highly addictive drug comes from China with a coordinated plan by the China mafia and  Chinese Communist Party (CCP)  to get our people addicted to meet their nefarious objectives to bring down America. Get the book , "Blood money" and read just the sample on a Kindle to get the flick.  Or just drive through a city and look at all the poor souls laying around looking like zombies. Yikes! It comes trough Mexico where the cartels use the China chemicals to produce it and transport it to our country.  China even provides the machines to form into pills to the cartels. And the politicians look the other way. read the book - Blood money.

And, hey America - wake up!

Our adversaries are advancing faster than us in hypersonic missile technology.  This disturbs the balance of power in the game of mutually assured destruction.  When one or more adversaries get too far ahead, the dangerous notions of first strike surprise attack come into play.  Now America has tools to keep up and we are also advancing, but it's a race that we can't afford to lose.  And this is all  just to maintain the balance of power and to keep safer the free world as we know it.

 Stock Talk

There are a few stocks and etf's that may be worth watching and even investing and/or trading.  If interested - scroll back to see some views and notions on some stocks to watch.  Below are a few stocks and areas of that are capturing interest here. 

Devon (DVN)

Raytheon (RTX)

LMT as well , but it's out of range in share price for us.

Intel (INTC)

Gold and silver etf's   GLD,  GLDM , SLV

and miners: GOLD,  KGC

maybe some Crypto etf's, IBIT, EZBC

and a spec biotech near a buck a share? 

  - maybe just a 100 or 200 shares of ONCY ( only if you  can afford to lose it for a " gamble" risky shot at something significant - a treatment called "Pela" that may boost  a person's own immunity (T Fighter cells)  to fight dangerous cancers in very ill people and give them a new shot (IV) of hope.

If interested, scroll back a few posts for more coverage on any of the above topics.  In all -  we use the word maybe "some", not "too much" and play it accordingly.  Remember  - we never get arrogant in our various  notions because things do change in the market and individual stocks are subject to many factors outside of our control.. So we try to -stay aware.

For now, we close by noting that any view on the market and stocks on any particular day may change in the future days to come. That is why we watch and see how our views match up with the reality of the time.  But trying to look ahead a few months into the future may be a way to do things.  If you think too deep about world events and the recent alliances forming, projecting ahead can be a dicey endeavor. With all the above caveats and attempted prognostications, I will close this post. 

Stay tuned for more opining on the market and stocks to watch.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.