Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Are Democrats really THAT stupid? Were the Republicans really worse?


 Straight Talk

First, a statement. I am an independent, neither republican or democrat. I have commented when it seemed the Trump administration were morons and now the Democrats are in control.  
However,  I do not understand how any thinking person can watch the mishaps on the Southern border and believe that the Democrats have a handle on ANYTHING to do with policy. Or policy that is good for Americans.  Worse for it, they don't even allow the news media in the camps to observe what is going on. We see glimpses of big fat cheeseburgers being packed for children whilst being taught in make shift schools whilst the kids in California can not go to school because of teacher unions.  Why they can't say every teacher gets a vaccine and go to work! is beyond many thinking people.  Kamala?  she was put in charge but does not even travel to the Southern Border to see what's happening in real time. PHONIES ! DEMOCRATS ARE PHONIES THAT PULL "the race CARD" in many cases where it's really NOT a race issue.  Peel the onion and you will see everything is NOT a Black vs White vs Asian issue!  Systemic racism is not as rampant in America as the democrats pander to the issues that do happen..

I will say where did Trump go wrong? He got stupid by not realizing that Black AND White people were hurting over what happened to George Floyd and he just took for granted that "law and order" would deal with it where real talk of reform was needed. That was what rightfully incensed many people.  However, the looting and riots in cities that played out were wrong just as the incident on Jan 6 went overboard .

That was THEN and this is NOW.  

What does this have to do with stocks?  What does this have to do with Policy?  Have you taken a  look at bitcoin price lately?  Do you think it has anything to do with lack of faith in policy?  I'd venture to say that a high majority of bitcoin buyers are DEMOCRATS that voted in the morons!

I'd venture to say that the same democrats do not watch what is going on lately.  Why?  Because to do so makes it abundantly clear they made the wrong choice for America.
In closing, I will leave it up to the reader to check some stocks of interest out and perform their own due diligence.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
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