Monday, March 1, 2021

Risk back on? The Dems have a "spending plan" - yea OK roll with it.

 Market Talk

Many stocks in the market corrected in the last two weeks.  We heard the talking heads say it was interest rates starting to rise resulting in "money managers" in institutions changing strategy from growth stocks in the tech areas to financials and materials. However, we see the Dems ramrodding their massive spending plan through congress and it seems likely that their VP will cast a deciding vote to get it approved.

Meanwhile the democrats have canceled the Keystone pipeline, furloughed thousands of jobs,  and oil and gas prices are headed higher.  Have you noticed it takes a lot more recently to fill up you car?

On a positive note the JnJ vaccine is approved for distribution but they don't have many available yet for putting into the arms of real people.  We are hearing that by June, there may be 100 million available one dose shots.

With the above banter, it feels like risk is back on in the market.  I am not making advisory statements here except to say the following view.  The market feels like a wild west environment.  Fundamentals have almost gone out the window with the battle between short hedge funds and the little people like us.  In this climate it can be feel like  trying to sail a boat in a storm and choppy waters.  With that notion, I will now say "risk back on". The climate with massive spending and new agenda's geared to renewable energy that some stocks may bounce and outperform again.

Stay tuned for more stock talk


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
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