Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Whipsaws", Shorts and trading notes (Goal: "more greens than reds")


Stock Talk
This post is for traders and investors who dare to make their own buy n' sell moves, sometimes in volatile speculative stocks to try to maximize gain, cut losses and at the end of the day or month or year come out ahead. "More greens the reds".
When you sit at the "cockpit" of your trading and investing desk you and only you are in control.  Let's face it, the short hedge funds are betting against your pick at any time you start to feel bullish.  When you see the whipsaw down coming and experience it, you can fight it and "buy the dips".   That's called "dollar cost averaging".  That is easy to say but for those that actually experience a severe dive down, what I call whipsaws, watching maybe a previous nice gain disappear it is disheartening.  This is why I say trim some gains when they come. Sometimes it's smart just to sell and take a small gain or even a small loss and step back and wait n' see awhile.

Yesterday, GM reported great Quarterly earnings BUT they were tepid about future sales blaming a chip shortage. Yea  Ok the stock sold off. Investors don't want to hear future eps will go down not up

These are damn hurtful trading days if not vigilant in the cockpit of your trading desk.  Currently, CleanSpark is being whipsawed down by profit taking and short sellers.  The market is waiting on the Quarterly earnings report.  Now projections for the year on CLSK's earnings are a turn to the positive. But the short side is betting against Cleanspark and this particular quarterly report may have start up expenses related to the Atlanta bitcoin mining center.  So as the whipsaw of 42.60 to the 29 range as of this note continue.  Is CLSK in dive mode caused by lack of investor confidence, short sellers and profit taking and trading by early holders in under a buck per share?  I don't know if the whipsaw will continue but I'll sit the possibility of further dive out. I'll settle for the smaller gain rather than a further loss and say Ok well , maybe I got too bullish.  so I am stepping back on CLSK , maybe watch it to see how the dust settles.

 This strategy is what I am doing here. What YOU do is your decision, you know it is only YOU than controls your own moves at your cockpit desk.

I will close with this notion. Some may say awwh Spider Jones - you a chickchit!  Well, I'll reply that if you lived through the whipsaws and traded some here some there and survived by doing so - maybe you understand.
  •  trim some gains when they come and keep some DRY $ POWDER.
ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.