Monday, February 1, 2021

The Reddit call to action - Its a rebellion of the little people! (in Biotech now)


Market Talk

Well, us little people are making a stand against short hedge funds that have been manipulating stock prices wayyy too long! The Reddit crowd that surged gme and amc way above where the many shorts were comfortable are now reaching to over-shorted select biotechs that have promising life saving treatments in the pipeline.

One stock that the "Reddit call to action"  hit back at entrenched short hedge funds was Inovio (INO), but also Vaxart  (VXRT) and Sorrento (SRNE) had a stellar buying rip today.

Also a Reddit call to action was made on silver. And as a result some of the silver miners, in particular, the penny stocks like MUX and EXK surged. Will they continue awhile or is the movement being too spread out to last?  One theory may be that as GME gets sold off, reddit activists may target the ones that moved today and stay and really confuse the shorts as the biotechs implement their delivery plans and pipelines.

 I have belief that INO, SRNE and VXRT hold the keys to success enough to be in "some" shares.   I pick no bones that I've been long in "some" shares  of the above. I am in some "to see" -  with or without the Reddit short fighters. But I am sure that long shareholders do Welcome Reddit activists indeed.
  and dry $ Powder.

ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
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