Thursday, February 4, 2021

More sayings about "this n' that" - and Watching Sorrento (SRNE) and CleanSpark (CLSK)


Stock Talk
This post may ramble a bit.  I want to note on "some". In stocks, some is an important word.  If a stock is right into the future, "some" can pay off into a nice long-term benefit.  But when things go the other way, and the stock looks good, you can $ cost average.  This is all theory, but being in a particular issue, its not always clear what to do.

Sometimes, it feels like its best to cut out all together and let things settle down.  Now let's look at the past few day's being in some Vaxart as example. I am going to share how it "feels" and then what I can logically project. I may be wrong , I may be right - BUT the word "some" is protective in my simple man's view.
After being in what I believe the market views as the "2nd tier" C19 arena of  stocks, INO, SRNE and VXRT, it was finally really nice to see Vaxart suddenly more that doubling into the 20's on hope that the Phase 1 human data would match hamster data in that neutralizing antibodies (NA) would be present. But when Vaxart reported results it lacked the NA's that the market was looking for.  In premarket, VXRT got slaughtered down from the 21 range to the 11's, about HALF of the share price when we went to bed.  Can you imagine how that feels?  As my 102 year old pop used to say ...  LOUSY!..    (I miss you Pop)

So back to "some".  Sometimes as we get more bullish on a stock, our "some" holdings seem to increase.  When we do that and it just "seems" like we may have a sure winner and the market is agreeing, remember this saying I use...

  "something always happens"
The point is , or lesson, of vaxart is that when things seem great but not verified it's an important saying to recall...
  "something always happens" 
 So, I do not make buy or sell calls on this site.  Why?  This site is just my view of the day. I always try to project ahead into the future because that is basically what investing (and a fair amount of speculation) is in my view. 

Now the other day when VXRT was soaring into the 20's did you trim even just a few?  remember I posted about VXRT when it was in the 6's and 7's, did you get "some " lower?  Even now, VXRT is trading in the 10's range. By any standards, a 30% gain in a few months beats many professional $ funds.  I am not saying "Take the gain" because I don't do that here. But if people stepped back on VXRT for awhile, who can blame them?  A 30% gain by any standards in a few months is not too shabby - say thank you. (to God, not this peasant).

Now, I will note on the other "2nd tier" stocks in that space.  After seeing how the market treated Inovio when preliminary reports failed to emphasize "NA's" but highlighted balanced immune response in antibody and T cells, and subsequently the FDA put a hold on the Phase 2 human trial for "questions" - and how the short based hedge funds shorted it down from 33 to the 8 range - That was hard to take.  The way I survived was realizing it was time to trim shares in the 20's and hunker down in "some".    But "some" is not based on the C19 vaccine even if the DOD is backing it.  I happen to lean to the notion that for Covid 19 it may or may not be too late. I stay in "some" INO because of the cancer treating Pipeline. Why?  because I believe that Targeted T fighter cells that the DNA approach seems to excel at - will be the holy grail of the "silver bullet" approach to treating many ailments like varous cancers that so many suffer and die from. The problem is , we have to wait months and maybe a year "to see".  Some INO works for me, not too much.  Why?  Because Vaxart's trading pattern turned me more circumspect about the space.

Now just as "some here, some there" may work.  Also - trimming some off when gains happen in between, may be prudent. Why?  always keep some $ Dry Powder !  Going "all in" can be a painful thing when wrong about daily directional motion.
To wrap this post up, my "today view"  of which of the three stocks has a fair chance of more near term gain is ....
 Sorrento (SRNE) 

The reports of hospital patients tha have acute respiratory distress being treated with Sorrento's  Covi-Msc and then walking out from near death conditions has me bullish on SRNE.
Further SRNE is working on an arsenal of Corona treatments that will allow, if FDA approved, new at home tests and treatments.   However, I am not completely confident with anything the FDA is involved in.  With all the above my view is that of the three stocks.

  •    some SRNE .
  •    INO, some but cautious
  •    VXRT , I'll watch it awhile.
  •    Circumspect on everything.

I will wrap this post up with a stock from an entirely different space - Bitcoin mining showcasing microgrid energy savings .  Here  is a snip it on an announcement by CleanSpark (CLSK) ....

"World's Largest Retailer to Deploy CleanSpark's Microgrid Switchgear."

 Do you suspect what that retailer is ?  maybe WALMART ?

  ya thiiiaank? 


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.