Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The market rallys on a "Sugar High" and a few "some , not too much " stocks I watch INO, SNRE, VXRT


Market Talk

The countdown to election day on Nov 3rd is getting closer. The polar divide getting wider.  Trump's message of warning of progressive socialist leaning notions for America is becoming clouded by personality and style. Meanwhile "good ol' Joe" has progressive / socialist democrats behind the scenes mobilizing and is ahead of Trump in the polls. This election may have a different outcome than the last.  More people seem to be leaning for "a change" perhaps not even realizing that the changes coming could mean an end to the American legacy and culture and that our parents  and grand parents fought and died for in WW2. Would our parents vote for a socialist?  Many young people do not appreciate that the American sacrifices made by " the greatest generation" in fighting tyranny in WW2 changed the future of the entire world and thus reset the future that we live in now for all people.
Looking at the new reality of the day, things have changed to where many of the younger generation has no real awareness of the past.  Groups like Antifa want to erase our history and culture and start anew. (Similar to what ISIS did in Iraq, destroying statues).  Antifa has a socialist Marxist agenda with ZERO room for other views.  Look at the videos of Antifa looting and harassing citizens in the streets. If Antifa are behind the democrats I want NOTHING to do with their policies and ones that will not disavow Antifa and say it's just an idea with "no people".  
With the above preamble, it look's like at this point, Trump may lose.  And the funny thing is that market's are starting to accept the notion of higher taxes, no borders, socialistic notions.  Or is it more likely a temporary sugar high on the notion of more Government stimulus and low interest rates?

Where is Trump blowing it?  I'd have to say he is failing on style of a bully in the way he tries to make points in the debates - and leave it at that. Some of Trump's  points are valid but the way he delivers them is kind of obnoxious.  Many women don't like that.  Trump can't win without the women vote. Also, he caught C19 and had a helicopter and Walter Reed medical team treating him 24/7. He comes out in a few days - "saying don't let Covid dominate you". That does not play well to an America that's been locked down with over 200,000 deaths as of this post. He is coming out of it and he was treated with the new class of experimental monoclonal antibodies and a steroid to suppress the immune system from going into overdrive.

So for now, I am lifting the notion of "the Biden effect" taking the market down.  If the polls are correct, Main street may just put in socialist democrats with sanctuary states.  The two party system will be done because they will be outnumbered by democrats bought and paid for by Bernie Sanders and high taxes.  The "sugar high" may continue but is it climbing on a house of cards like Venezuela?

Stock Talk

Watching a few stocks:

Inovio (INO) - waiting on FDA resolution of questions on the Cellectra device to resume Phase 3 of C19 vaccine INO4800.  After the whipsaw fade due to FDA in Inovio sp, is it now a bad - news buy?
Sorrento (SRNE) - is taking a comprehensive scatter gun approach to several areas of C19 pandemic with monoclonal antibodies, testing and vaccines. Right now, the catalyst seems to be the FDA clearance to start a phase 1 hospital based trial of STI 1499 in patients with moderate case of C19.

Vaxart (VXRT) -  This stock floating in the 6's was cleared by the FDA to start a phase 1 trial of their oral vaccine candidate.  Vaxart is lagging the other vaccine companies. The main appeal is that VXRT is bringing an oral vaccine to the race that if successful would be a game changer to countries that can't support the need for super cooling required by the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines currently in Phase 3 trials.

These may be "some"  stocks for a speculative portfolio but not "too much"  stocks in the way I roll with the crazy stock market.
ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and

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