Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Stimulus or not before the election? That is the question and ... (trading notes on AUY and GM)


Market Talk
Do you suppose that a C19 stimulus package will be decided upon between the dueling republicans and democrats, and Donald and Nancy?  On one hand they may not be able to agree due due to vast differences.  On the other hand , they may want to pass some relief to give the next administration some time before the real democrat style agenda and they don't want the stock market to crash making it more difficult. Neither party may want to be blamed for that.  Nobody knows for sure. I am kind of doubtful, but the pressure is on for "something", so it may yet happen.


 Pay no attention to that man (and lady) behind the curtain.

 Stock Talk
Still curbing enthusiasm and  trimming speculative stocks SRNE and INO and moving more to Yamana Gold and Silver miner (AUY) and dry powder. 

Update: started a position in GM on electric vehicle moves.
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ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
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