Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Swing trade or stay long (and risk loss)?

Stock Talk

Today, I will briefly state
a fundamental principal
the stock market.

Buy Low
Sell Higher.

When a Company you "believe"
has potential, but does
not prove it or act like it
and the short sellers are
all about bashing it-
it may be time to rethink
your strategy. If there is
a gain to be had, sometimes
it's best to trade all or
part of the stock in
question and take the gain!
Or sometimes cut the loss
and move on. Sometimes, you may
have too large of a position
and have to trim shares.

Pulling the sell trigger
is not easy. But losing
money is worse and winning
is much better. I trimmed
some shares on Inovio today.
I was losing perspective on
the reward/ risk profile.

ALL in my humble opinion, scr
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.