Thursday, April 8, 2021

Welcome to a Candy Land stock market (for awhile?)- GM, F, MO and some Crypto stock talk too..

 Market Talk

Welcome to the new world of "stock market Candy land" .  I think I will coin that phrase. It's a place where near term interest rates are not going to rise and the economic recovery will gain momentum to bring jobs back.  In this place, there are no worries about the pitfalls that may lurk in the darkness to waylay the outlook.  Worries of the battle between the longer term inflation concerns of the bond vigilantes are put aside in Candy land and it may even be sweet enough for the money fund managers to return to growth stocks in tech like such stocks as Apple ? Candy Land is also a place where we don't worry about another round of the Corona variants as people get vaccinated with the three vaccines.
Hey there, for now the people of candy land don't even care about looming tax hikes.  There are terms like "woke" that have different meanings to different folks.  It comes with an agenda by organized  groups that want to now teach the young people to feel guilty or "sorry" for being born a certain race and color.  What would Martin Luther King say about that?  To quote the new guy -  Come on man!
  Stock Talk 
I have posted notes on these three since they were lower in share price. They still look good in my view:
  •   GM,  FORD : Ev's and incentive notions
  •    Altira (MO)a some dividend stock moving good, under the radar.
Some interesting Stock "Speculations" of note:
(remember ancient Chinese curse: may all your days be "interesting") . I view these as maybe "some" stocks not "too much" stocks.
  • NNOMF - innovative cathode process patented for the Li ion and the coming or mythical  "glass battery" ?
  • CYTR  -  Is it one-third of a formula to treat Pancreatic Cancer that my succeed?
  • MARA - Is bitcoin mining and buying bitcoin in the $31 K range  paying off?  you be the judge and predictor , if you dare.
  •  CLSK  I'm watching CleanSpark  to see if I am ready to take them out of my penalty box for the last sudden dilution.  If they provide an adequate update on bitcoins mined and some progress on the microgrid energy side, with no further dilutions, it may run higher.  But they need to build back some credibility in my view.  Building a base for a positive eps still matters to stock investors.
Will Crypto- currency like Bitcoin continue to be accepted or will governments squash it like a beast tramping on the Tulips?  The Crypto nerds believe it's decentralized nature makes that a hard thing to do and more and more institutions are starting to recognize bitcoin.
In closing, I will leave it up to the reader to ponder their own views and check some stocks of interest out and perform their own due diligence. Also in spec stocks, we have learned the importance of the word "some" but not "too much", if daring to venture.
  •  and keep some Dry Powder $ ready.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
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