Thursday, April 15, 2021

Today's Paradox of Crypto stocks

 Stock Talk

It seems to be a paradox phenomena going on in the crypto stocks today.  
While Bitcoin is near peak price of $62 K and the Coinbase ipo yesterday that was a wild ride and back down again to settle. The miners and other are lagging. Its a very volatile day. This leaves me to wonder if it's a signal of peak bitcoin for awhile or the dip to buy.  Many young Crypto nerds will say never sell. But as I watch  the Bloomberg and Cnbc networks bring up the Crypto execs, they all are very young.  I can see they are enamored with the Crypto craze.  But did they live long enough to know about how the Government banned owning Gold bullion in 1933 to 1974 because it was a threat to confidence in the US Dollar?  Yea that's just "Boomer" think is what they call it.
But looking at stocks like RIOT and MARA, they have  really sunk in just two days. The volatility is not for many.  In closing, I will leave it up to the reader to check some stocks of interest out and perform their own due diligence.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.