Monday, September 28, 2020

Trump may take Biden for granted and .. "something always happens" - watching Inovio, I "donno".


Market Talk

Since I  coined the term "the Biden effect" the overall market has seriously corrected with the Dow off over 2600 pts at times .  I suspect that at points during the next 36 days to the Nov 3 election, every time the balance seems to shift to a socialist Democrat victory - the overall market may just fade.  It will no doubt have bouts of optimism and dead cat bounces, but with a close election uncertainty will prevail and the market dislikes uncertainty.  High Taxes, tax and spend notions and socialism will change America as we know it.  Look at Venezuela.  Once one of the richest countries in Capitalism, that fell for socialism and is now a dictatorship called a Federal executive power. Once the richest country in South America now left poor starting with socialism leading to dictatorship.  Free stuff is not free.

Tomorrow night's debate may bring some over to one side or the other, but as an informal poll many people I have talked to favor Biden. Just for "a change".  Many do not seem aware of the Democrats progressive socialist agenda that is also backed by Marxist communists. There is polar chasm in the country regarding politics where each side has hate and disgust for the other. One thing seems clear to this observer is that the Democrats are pulling out all stops and mobilizing to defeat Trump.  

As far as tomorrow's debate it seems like a prize fight is coming.  I have my view that Trump may be taking Biden for granted.  I suspect that Biden will surprise and perform better than expected.  If Trump comes off arrogant like George Bush senior made the mistake against Bill Clinton, Trump will lose the debate.

So as far as today's market , maybe the market may rally thinking Trump will outperform Biden tomorrow night.  I am not so sure.  If Biden does well, better than the lower expectations (that the Trump campaign have put out there), I am suspecting the Biden effect may just take the market lower after any rally.
 Stock Talk

This morning, Inovio announced there is a technical hold on the INO4800 P2/3 trials.  It is related to FDA questions on the Cellectra device used to help deliver the DNA vaccine. It is NOT about any adverse effects of patients in the Phase 1 trial.  Inovio is conducting other trials with Cellectra device and ALL other trials are NOT impacted. So WHY now, just as Phase 3 is about to start? It kind of seems politically motivated by the FDA.

The FDA has been "pumping" Moderna's  mRNA vaccine that requires super cooling. This I believe is due to reports that the NIH holds joint patents and has a vested interest in Moderna's vaccine success.  I would not take Moderna's vaccine or Pfizer's mRNA vaccine with high fevers and fatigue reported. I would not take Astra/ Oxford vaccine with NY Times reported transverse myelitis cases.  That is a neurological condition that affects the spine and can cause severe paralysis. So far, Inovio's INO4800 has no reported AE's and the reports by Inovio thus far shows a very promising immune response. But no matter, why WOULD the FDA do that?  The FDA should be investigated for Payola by short sellers.

Well, the FDA technical hold will await Inovio's response and then they the FDA has 30 days to respond. Oh boy, this falls under my saying here.. "something always happens". 

The DoD ordered $71 Million worth of Cellectras with the Pentagon  for the military.  Why now with the FDA questions?  It all makes me wonder about the FDA.  Did some short seller outfit pay somebody off?  Yep, something always happens.

ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and

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