Monday, September 14, 2020

Football is Back ! - lighter spirits may lift the market a few days? some INO (and VXRT?) with cautious optimism.


Market Talk

My previous posts have been somewhat ominous about the market as of late.  Indeed the markets have taken a hit.  However, on a day to day basis, market sentiments shifts as focus is given to different stocks.  So the weekends are a time for rest and reflection for many.  With football now on it brings a sense of normality to see our favorite teams back on the TV.  It makes us feel a little better to watch something that is separate from the polarizing politics.  I will not be surprised to see a corresponding market bounce as bargain hunters and those that experienced recent loss try to $ cost average.

Stock Talk

For example, we see stocks like Apple having a Sept 15 event where new products will be announced.  The latest rumors are it may be about new Apple watches.

I've been kind of bearish on the market outlook. However that does not mean that market bounces are off the table.  I've been correct the last few market talks.  I  maintain my overall view on "the Biden effect".   However, the market may try to bottom fish stocks that have recently dipped.

For me, I am holding "some"  Inovio (INO ) shares on hopes that the vaccine INO4800 will gain more recognition as providing a safe and effective immunity against Covid 19. That the OWS team has thus far shunned funding Inovio is a tad concerning. However, with the recent slamming of INO share level, I am in some INO shares because I think the preliminary data and events looks more than promising.

If interested, the reader is encouraged to look at Inovio's progress on INO4800 and the pipeline of cancer treatments using their DNA compounds genetically coded to illicit an immune response with targeted t cells. Look into INO and make you own decision. If becoming "bullish", I can only say tone it down to "cautious optimism"  and don't buy "too much".  There is still proving that needs to be done and DNA approach is new.

However, I will close with the theory that coded DNA creates messenger RNA cells that in turn create targeted neutralizing anti- bodies and T cells to fight pathogens and cancers..  and with that I close by saying I am in some INO because if the theory proves out it will be a  disruptive phenomena to big Pharma.  Inovio being a relative small company having such an impact could turn a hundred or so INO shares purchased near recent lows into something of significance later on.  Is that an investment or a speculation?  currently I will treat it as a spec but further affirmation could make this a longer term investment to hold  half if it doubles.

Update:  Today we see that Vaxart (VXRT) gained FDA approval to start Phase 1 trial of their oral vaccine for Covid 19. At this point, this is way behind other companies but an oral pill that passes through the stomach and reaches the mucus lining of the intestines has appeal.  There was once a pill vaccine for Polio.  Being behind the curve on the vaccine time line is a disadvantage.   However,  being a convenient pill form vaccine , if successful, could have big advantages.  VXRT is in the 6's somewhat in the lower mid range of recent trading since Covid 19 hit the world hard. Yea, it's another "spec" stock but when this stock has moved it has shown to move in a big way.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and

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