Monday, July 31, 2023

Does Nerdy stock have the AI hype and juju to catch more momo on fomo?

  Market Talk

The many pundits are taking a recession "off the table" for the remaining part of this year.  Some leave open the distinct possibility for the R word next year. The markets are enjoying a run in the various indices.  Many investors now have a case of fear of missing out or fomo for short.  Perhaps sheer fomo will drive the markets higher for awhile until the next roadblock to stock value prosperity shows up. We will dismiss discussion on roadblocks for the time being. Far be it from moi to be the party pooper in the mix.
Stock Talk
The two buzz words of the time are "Artificial intelligence" or simply AI.  JP Morgan has picked a stock called NERDY or symbol NRDY in the AI space. Is it a fomo buy?

The stock NRDY has already nearly doubled in one month trading at near $5 a share today.  It is in the online teaching space of a multitude of subjects. The previous quarter saw a revenue beat but an earning miss of 4 cents per share for a loss of 21 cents per share. Yet, JP Morgan analysts are endorsing NRDY as a buy now stock.

Does Nerdy stock have the AI hype and juju to catch more momo on fomo?

We will have to watch NRDY stock to see how their 2nd  quarter earnings play out in their coming August 8 report. 
I close this post by noting that any view on the market and stocks on any particular day may change in the future days to come. That is why we watch and see how our views match up with the reality of the time.  But trying to look ahead a few months into the future may be a way to do things.  If you think too deep about world events and the recent alliances forming, projecting ahead can be a dicey endeavor. With all the above caveats and attempted prognostications, I will close this post. 

Stay tuned for more opining on the market and stocks to watch.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.
This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.