Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Three stocks to Watch: Energy: OXY and DVN and just ONE Biotech: VERU has a coming BLOCKBUSTER?

 Market Talk

The market will have many headwinds as the winter approaches.  Unless we are very selective, it may be better to just forego trading stocks and stash the cash.  However, inflation is eroding the value of cash!   So, what to do?

The remaining part of this post will cover some stocks of interest.

Stock Talk

When the Democrats took control, they declared a war on the oil and gas industry.

After WW II large suburbs in America were built to provide homes for the veterans as they built new lives and families in the new peace in the aftermath of their saving the entire world from tyranny.  These homes are still present and use heating oil in oil burning furnaces.  Since they took office, it now costs over $1500 to fill a typical oil tank for part of the winter.  Before they took office it was less than half that price.

The following oil and gas companies have seen a good stock rise over the past year.

Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY)

Devon Energy Corporation (DVN)

The democrats do not seem to have a clue about the impact of rising heating oil costs in America, let alone the harsh cold winter expected in Europe. Their Oil and gas war is not a balanced approach to energy independence of America.

I am watching the above two stocks and have initiated a buy some on both OXY and DVN. I suspect earnings will outperform and am in a few "some" shares of each to see if the stocks will continue higher.  Warren Buffet is also in OXY bigtime.

A Biotech stock to watch:   VERU

As far as other stocks, I am in some of VERU on the hope that their lead drug, "Sabi", will become a Blockbuster to treat and save lives of Covid patients that suffer from Acute respiratory distress (ARD).

VERU will do well if the key drug "Sabi" is selected by the FDA to gain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to treat hospital patients in acute respiratory distress (ARD).  There has been a slight delay in the Advisory meeting to address the relatively small patient population of the phase 3 clinical trial that was stopped on apparent overwhelming efficacy and safety of saving lives of covid patients in ARD.  The FDA advisory committee will weigh in on the EUA decision on November 9.   An FDA nod towards EUA would start VERU's "Sabi" as a coming BLOCKBUSTER to treat many, even beyond Covid. Cancer trials are in progress with Sabi as well 

All I can say is with the FDA one never can actually know what the outcome will be, especially when small Pharma is involved. 

In summary:

  •  Energy :   OXY and DVN
  •  Biotech :  VERU

Maybe some of the above will outperform, even in a volatile market, and merit watching.  I'm in 50 shares each of OXY and DVN and some of VERU long.  I see VERU as having a coming Blockbuster in Sabi with my "some" shares.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.