Thursday, December 2, 2021

A strategy in a volatile and uncertain market - Ford , as example


Market Talk

The Fed Chairman, Mr. Powell, came out the other day saying the "transitory" inflation term the Fed invented was being "retired". Then followed up with a hawkish statement about trying to tackle inflation, further expounding on how our economy was so "robust". Yeah ok. funny huh?

Does the above sound like policy coming that will keep the bull market going?

Stock Talk

I suspect the volatility could make coming market calls very difficult.  The stimulus bill may make the bulls feel bolstered into buying stocks.  I am cautious.  However, the ev commitment by Ford (F) may gain traction in stock price as sales increase.  It's not a sure thing and it could float below and above $20 or even fade back to the teens.  But long term, it seems like Ford has a chance to outperform.  would I bet my whole stake?  no way.

A strategy I favor is - say I like Ford and have some to invest. If so, I may buy a small fraction of the shares of what I want today and watch it. Then if it fades and still looks appealing long term, add some.  If not, don't and re- evaluate based on the current happenings of the future.
Today, I'm thinking more dry powder, less spec stocks.  


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more..

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.