Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A few " possible Disruptor stocks" under $10 and $20 on my Watch List: (VXRT, INO, FSR and Ford)

Market Talk

I've been circumspect about the overall market with favoring small positions in gold and silver. However, while cautious with the market bouncing off all-time highs - there are certain happenings and trends that seem to be here to stay. With this in mind, I am watching a few stocks of interest.

Stock Talk

Two under $10 stocks:

There is a new highly contagious C19 strain identified from South Africa and it has already spread to Botswana and Hong Kong. Actually, a new variant tagged as B.1.1.529, now named Omnicron. There are troubling things about this particular bug. It is reported to have evolved to 30 new mutations of the spike protein that current mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna target.

Two spec stocks in the vaccine space that could be the next generation of protection are Vaxart (VXRT) and Inovio (INO). Each have novel attributes.

Vaxart offers an Oral Tablet that dissolves in the mucous of the lower bowel. Covid 19 is transmitted via mucus droplets and takes hold in the mucous. Some believe this gives the Vaxart tablet an advantage. The counter argument is that VXRT is behind in the timeline of clinical trials and still needs more proving.

Inovio is starting the final Phase 3 clinical trial after the FDA put a hold on it due to questions on the device planned to adminisier the vaccine. That hold seemed heavy handed to this observer and raised questions of the FDA intentionally manipulating a delay so that their favored mRNA vaccines had the advantage.

Both VXRT and INO stock currently trade in the $ 7's range. With the emergence of Omnicron that seems to rapidly mutate the C19 spike Protein, it seems that the door may be open to both VXRT and INO stock to gain traction if further data proves that neutralizing antibodies and T cell immunity is triggered. Both the current mRNA vaccines offered by Pfizer and Moderna so far have NOT been shown to provide durable long-lasting protections. That is why boosters are being called for. However, early data from both Vaxart and Inovio vaccines seem to trigger the important T cell immunity that may be longer lasting for years, even a lifetime. For these reasons, it leaves me pondering if Vaxart's tablet vaccine and Inovio's vaccine (dna) could both be on the table as next generation vaccines with more robust attributes over existing vaccines. This would classify Vaxart and Inovio as possible disruptors. As a stock watcher the risk is the time and thus resources to actually prove and get to market.

A tablet vaccine has compelling advantages if it is proven to provide safe and effective long-lasting T cell protections. That has NOT yet been shown by Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines.

Two under $20 stocks:

Two possible disruptor stocks are in the electric vehicle (ev) apace are:

Fisker (FSR) - the planned ev's in 2022 look very interesting with a solar panel on the roof and carpets made from recycles plastic bottles from the sea. Two ranges of electric vehicles, both respectable, are planned and the co has an interesting and economical manufacturing plan to possibly overcome some of the obstacles hampering new comers in the ev space.

Ford (F) is implementing and manufacturing their Mustang and F 150 and orders are reported to reflect high demand

In summary, the market is volatile with Fed speak becoming hawkish on sooner than planned interest rate hikes to try to stem inflation. If buying any stock, I suggest thinking "some", not "too much". In spec stocks, keep some dry powder and re-evaluate the positions as time goes on.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.