Monday, June 29, 2020

NASA used a Chimp called Ham for Space. watching VRTX?

Market Talk
The market wants so bad to recover, but the
corona pandemic still looms.  The young people
are acting like the threat is over. I get it.
They've been cooped up months, summer is here
and hormones rage. And they don't wear masks.
However, the Covid 19 cases among the young
are spiking.  Only a matter of time before
they pass it on to more of the vulnerable.
More hospitals could fill and more deaths.
This is why the Federal government is racing
for a vaccine.  I don't like being dramatic.
However, Covid 19 has crippled the entire
 Monkeys in Space - Decades TV Network - YouTube
Stock Talk 

Today, I will focus on FOMO, or "Fear of
missing out". Last week, Vaxart, Inc (VXRT}
announced selection into the government's
Operation Warp speed as a study candidate for
the only oral vaccine. It's being called a
"challenge candidate" . I have not seen
specific funding amounts in such monkey
studies. However, monkey studies are not
Phased Clinical trials as established by
the FDA.
As a result of the announcement VXRT rose in
share price from the $4 per share range
to as high the $13 range fora brief while.
Vaxart is a small company. I traded that swing
on "some". I sold on the basis of a quick
decision, that an oral vaccine succeeding 
for preventing Covid 19, seems like a long 
shot. I wonder if stomach acid may
deteriorate active compounds. However, I 
am starting to rethink that snap opinion.
what if they come up with something to
dissolve under the tongue? Or, designed to
dissolve in the intestine? 
well, that is pure speculation at this
point in my analysis. I'll leave the door
open that they may make progress.
In time?  that would be the question. 
It seems the purpose of a challenge study 
is try to answer the  question -- why not?
So the VXRT shares "skyrocked" on the news.
Do I believe the oral vaccine will succeed
or if so, make it to market before others?
My view is it has a long road ahead to prove.
But the notion of an easy to use oral pill to
protect against Covid 19  has a lot of appeal.
Will the market take VXRT to higher valuations,
maybe on FOMO ?
VXRT bears watching as a possible trade, but I
remain doubtful of it making an oral vaccine
pill to market by testing on monkeys. It does
seem like a backup plan that operation warp
speed thinkers are taking.
Always good to have a backup plan I guess. 
Will I trade VXRT again?  watching and maybe.
I am holding INO in the vaccine space, waiting
on Phase 1 trial results. 
 NASA's First Chimp in Space | Smithsonian Magazine

ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.