Thursday, February 24, 2022

Watch oil and natural gas ETF's. (communist China is not a friend)


Market Talk

War has erupted with Russia invading Ukraine.  If anybody has been reading here, you are not surprised.  Maybe you took cover from the cascading market that I've been predicting. Maybe you dumped the stocks that are partnering with communist China too?  If you tuned in here maybe you would have dumped Apple at the peak, over 25 points ago.  Not many Apple bulls agreed. But how are they doing now? 

So, on the very same day that Putin will get sanctioned by all of the NATO nations, we see communist China announcing that they will UP the amount of coal to buy from Russia.


news flash: communist China is NOT our friend! 

This is not a bash on the people of China.  It's their military and communist leaders with dominance on their agenda.

I would not be holding any stocks that use or plan to use Communist China as a manufacturing source. 

Stock Talk

Watching ETF's that are related to Oil, maybe Texas sweet crude for example, and Natural Gas.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.