Sunday, January 23, 2022

Market Circumspection and Predictions until/ unless "things change" again.


Market Talk

I have been circumspect on the market and crypto. This has saved me from recent precipitous falls lately.  While many pundits say buy the dip, I remain cautious.  Further, I predict that Bitcoin along with other crypto will continue to fall harshly.  Now that may actually be good for working people that work for US dollars and pay the bills in US dollars, even with inflation.  It's things like excesses in false security like Bitcoin that tears down the fundamentals of the American way. As follow through, stocks related to bitcoin may continue to fall as a passing fad. Beware putting all hope n' dreams in fake stuff.  Watch out for dead cat bounces.

Beware fake news. The real news would tell you that the PRC has many hypersonic missiles aimed right at us that travel faster than 2 miles per second from near space and they cannot be stopped once launched. My response is to sell anything related or partners with the PRC.  Watch putting your faith in stocks that have feather beds at the helm.

I've been circumspect about crypto, the overall market and stocks. I still am based on global concerns and market levels that may be overpriced with risks of fiscal tightening, inflation and threats of aggression and possible WAR.  The above views make me market bearish unless I see change that warrants otherwise. 

The sea is cast in fog and the stars are hiding in the sky. 

hunkered down market wise, dry powder.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more..

This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.