Friday, October 25, 2024

Staying long in "some" vs "Jack be nimble".



Market Talk

A quick note on the market and stocks.  We are living in fast moving and changing times.  This can result in a volatile market with  the various sectors trading on and off against each other. It happens on a daily basis.  If you watch the market and write down the sentiment of the day and stocks that are moving that particular day, it could change the very next day to what was "in" being "out".  

The market is very fickle like that.  Case in point,  take miner  Newmont trading yesterday and today.  Much of their quarterly report was positive , but NEM missed that analysts estimated by a few cents per share. Still, profit was up and a decent Q earnings of 81 cents per share.  Never mind that!  The market punished the stock price on the notion that NEM missed due to higher mining costs in an inflationary world.  Later in the day, outfits like Bloomberg and others put out the notion that NEM results may translate to many of the gold miners, even in all time high gold prices.  Go figure. 

I made the post yesterday to watch out for the "ying yang" of the market and consider the schnitzel move to maybe take some off the top to conserve "dry powder".

Yes folks, these are fast and changing times.  What happens after this crazy election phase is an open question to many .  Some pundits predict troubled or more troubled times than today are coming. Yes, there are the long term convictions vs trading ways to also consider.  To handle the devil of uncertainty, we use the word "some" here.

For now, we close by noting that any view on the market and stocks on any particular day may change in the future days to come. That is why we watch and see how our views match up with the reality of the time.  But trying to look ahead a few months into the future may be a way to do things.  If you think too deep about world events and the recent alliances forming, projecting ahead can be a dicey endeavor.  In all -  we use the word maybe "some", not "too much" and play it accordingly.  Remember, never get arrogant in our various notions because things do change in the market and individual stocks are subject to many factors outside of our control.. So we try to -stay aware.

With all the above caveats and attempted prognostications, I will close this post. Stay tuned for more opining on the market and stocks to watch.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.