Monday, October 28, 2024

Market going "crazy" on AI energy hype -Join the crowd in "some" or just sit the whole thing out? - update 10/29



Market Talk

With the times and the election coming up, it's hard not for thinkers to be concerned.  The coming election phase is not without risk.  There are some reports that the other side is preparing to make it very difficult for President Trump to take power if he wins the electorate but the Dems gain congressional majority. The civil discourse could cause a lot of national turmoil.  On the other hand if Americans are so fed up , maybe the republicans will sweep advantage in a red wave change of power? That may be the best outcome.  When it comes to elections, things hardly ever work out the way we surmise they may. Add possible election shenanigans and the future telescope becomes like a kaleidoscope looking glass to try to see through. 

On this subject the future of November 5 is closing in on us - just about a week!   Suggest to maintain some dry Powder in case the "soft landing" notion switches to a harder knock on the head.

 Let's stray from above hand wringing and take note of a sector craze  currently happening - right under our noses. 


Stock Talk

 Well, we have covered the fast growing need for required energy just to address an AI query as in chat gpt for example.

The craze happening is in small module reactors (SMRs).  These are exactly what the name implies.  The big outfits - Google ,  Amazon and Microsoft all are scrambling for partnership deals in nuclear power to support huge data centers and AI related applications.

Such actual implementation here in America of SMRs is probably YEARS away.  None the less, a few stocks have nearly doubled just in the past week or so.  These are not  buy recommendations, we don't do that here. especially after such a huge run as the hoards clamor to get in what they believe is "early".  However,  I would be remiss not to bring them up here in the Jones report on Stocks to Watch.

  • NuScalePower Company (SMR)
  • Oklo Inc (OKLO)
  • ASP Isotopes (ASPI)
  • Nano Nuclear Energy (NNE)

It should be noted the above are currently losing money and have negative earnings. And it will be awhile, as in years...

(update 10/29 - after further review, ASPI is more about Uranium enrichment for medical and advanced semiconductor areas. 

As a speculation, perhaps of the above, SMR and ASPI would be fair picks for just a few "some" shares to see.)

Never the less the market is going nuts over these stocks doubling them in just the past week.  This has the hallmark of a bubble as a cautionary note.  Will the SMR and nuclear rage continue?  If venturing into stocks like above, it would seem prudent with only very small shares, if any,  to test the run.  It all seems risky and ripe for a shorting style pull back.

For now, we close by noting that any view on the market and stocks on any particular day may change in the future days to come. That is why we watch and see how our views match up with the reality of the time.  But trying to look ahead a few months into the future may be a way to do things.  If you think too deep about world events and the recent alliances forming, projecting ahead can be a dicey endeavor.  In all -  we use the word maybe "some", not "too much" and play it accordingly.  Remember, never get arrogant in our various notions because things do change in the market and individual stocks are subject to many factors outside of our control.. So we try to -stay aware.

With all the above caveats and attempted prognostications, I will close this post. Stay tuned for more opining on the market and stocks to watch.


ALL in my humble opinion, scroll down and read more.This site does NOT make Buy / Sell recommendations.